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Ancestral Tantra Kriya Yoga • Formación

November 1, 2023 @ 8:00 AM - March 22, 2024 @ 5:00 PM

€1.250,00 – €1.500,00

Ancestral Tantra Kriya Yoga




Our PDF: pdf_20230915_152633_0000


Fechas disponibles:

(Online) 1 y 2 de Noviembre

(Barcelona) 29, 30, 1, 2 y 3 Nov & Dic

(Barcelona) 4 al 7 Enero

(Retiro) 22 al 25 de Febrero



Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga is a practice that is complete new within modern Yoga, even though it ́s origins is on the Tantra Kahula ́s teachings. This methodology does not have nothing to do with the actual yoga, but the system of asanas, kriyas, pranayamas, mudras and locks work in the same or deeper frequency that the Normal Yoga.

ATKY in its proceses is linked to the methods and systems like the kundalinic, Babaji ́s Tantra Yoga (pranayamas), Agama Yoga (at the esoteric part) & Hatha ́s (At the work with the balancing) . Contrary to many methodologies that are in search of relaxation, physical exercises, balancing the energy or the cleaning up of the chakra system; ATKY takes the practice of Yoga to another dimension.

The five dimensions of the being or the five bodies (physical, energetical , causal, emotional and psychich) are the phases in which Prana and sacred energy (sexual energy placed with an intention) will be the main basic canvas where this practice will make you evolve as a human and divine being. The main goal will be to collect, handle, transform & trasnmute the life force of our being. With in these premises, this practice brings you in a fast track to give you a life living experience that comes as evolution of your inner knowledge and inner wisdom.

For that matter, ATKY will use the 5 sacred tools that Tantra Kahula uses: 
 Pranayamas (Swahara Yoga);
meditation ( not only static but dynamic);
the Asana & Kriya (posture and movement);

Ritualism and Sacred Sexuality .


Life Living Experience, Healling, Growth ,

Inner Wisdom & Spiritual Awareness

ATKY will not give you a normal Yoga Lesson it takes you to another dimension. You begin with a Circle of breathwork & Kriya to bring awareness and consciousness to the our bodies and your inner mastery.

As a Teacher your advantage knowledge will be about:

• postures & pranayams,
• human anatomy & subtle energies anatomy,
• sexuality & sexual energy as a life force energy • restorative and therapeutique techniques,
• chakras, nadis, marmas & talas,
• orgasmia & energy orgasmia,
and esoteric ritualism.

The Numbers of YOGA

According to a 2016 Yoga Journal report, 36.7 million people practise yoga in the US, up from 20.4 million in 2012. The yoga market is now worth $16bn (£12bn) in the US and $80bn (£74bn) globally. In the UK, “yoga” was one of Google’s most searched-for words in 2016, while the yoga and pilates business brings in £812m a year, and rising. Brigid Delaney (https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2017/sep/17/yoga-better-person- lifestyle-exercise )

Leslie Kaminoff, co-author of the seminal reference book Yoga Anatomy, says of the instructors in his orbit. “It’s a tough way to make a living.” According to Yoga Alliance spokesperson Andrew Tanner, there were 818 registered yoga schools in the U.S. in 2008. By 2012, the number grew to 2,500, and today there are 3,900.

All these trainings have generated a huge oversupply of would-be instructors. “There’s been a massive growth in the number of yoga teachers since 2008,” says Tanner. “More and more teachers are being bred, of not necessarily good quality,” adds West. “They’re all going out there and saturating the market. It’s the devaluation of yoga on all fronts.”

Imagine that you have just opened a new yoga studio offering heated vinyasa flow classes, Teacher ́s training that you had invested arround 3,500 USD. Then, you decide that you need to get the word out to the community, so you place ads in a local newspaper. After a month, you realize that you haven’t gotten any clients in from this ad, so you do a little investigating, only to discover that the newspaper’s readership consists primarily of retirees.

The “right people” are the ones who actually have a need for your business, and therefore are your potential clients. In order to market to the right people, every business should identify its target market, and focus their efforts on reaching that particular group.

Tantra, Sexuality, Spirituality, Transformative experience plus all the benefits of YOGA… gives you a segmented market that

OBJECTIVE and What I will be expecting of this Training:

  • That someone can learn from zero to become a practitian and instructor of Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga with a support of 110 hours in theory, practice & how to teach methods with Yoga Alliance (110hrs YACEP certification) plus the knowledge of TrueTantra & EATP (European Ass. of Tantra Professionals) methodology developed over more than 10 years.
  • An specialization on Tantra Kriya Yoga, once been a Yoga Teacher can be a plus on your Yoga CV on top that you will be able to target another market segment.
  • Being able to support and instruct a group of people with NO knowledge of Yoga or ATKY or Tantra in to a new world.
  • Being able to design at least the structre of a class of ATKY in two
  • This as a first module towards a Teachers Training of 200 hours validated on Yoga Alliance standards.
  • •Handling the estructure and teaching of two ATKY sessions levels
  • •To give inner knowledge of how the asanas, breathwork, the subtles energies and the sexual energy work in to the body.
  • •To have the support of TrueTantra to renew or in take new knowledge.


ATKY gives you a personal Teacher Sadhana that generates a deep inner transformation.

Physical and Mental Preparation…

As a person who is going to facilitate an extraordinary experience your body, mind and energy has to be on a higher frequency but at the same time has to be grounded and expanded that is why you have to prepare yourself for that !!

ATKY has a fast and deep way of an ancient Sadhana & Kriyas to develop that inner power !!

Satyas Kriyas are a set of practical exercises that allows you to open the sensorial body to bring awareness of your practice and the oppening of the extra-sensorial dimension as a teacher.

• Cleaning the Ida & Pingala; the human body communicates the hemisferical knowledge via two nadis. The use of the Netipot to clean up this nadis allows you to comunicate efficiently the PRANA that you will trasnfer to the main Nadis of the body.

• Activating the sense of the taste & preparing yourself to Chakra Base breathwork; to claen up the mouth is not only a practice that makes your teeth look nice and mantain a healthy mouth. This satya kriya uses marine salt to clean up not unly the gums, palad and inner walls of the mouth , but to kill bacterias that cause you bad odor comming from your mouth.

• Tongue Scraping; imagine that the sense of 250 thousand nervous terminals that allows you to sense odors, taste and pleasure are blocked. This Satya Kriya is an amazing way to feel other sensation and of course brings an empirical knowledge about your body, and innmer mudras with your tongue.

• Eyes cleaning; one of the biggest sense that allows you to learn are our eyes. This practices brings you clarity but in top… one of the main energetic frequencies that feeds up our life force are what we see.

Pranayamas or Swahara Yoga the art of controling the PRANA in our body to balance, to harmonize, to detox, to activate, to clean up and to energize or just to bring a meditate state. Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga bases much of its work on breath work technology the same way that Swahara Yoga did and does. We will mention only some of the basic Pranayamic routines that are part of the Daily Tantric Sadhana before you start the day and your practice.

• Consious Breathing. To breath in via the nose and exhale though out the mouth is not only the act of a normal breathing act. What are you doin you are activating the femenine and the masculine side of the body at polar level in order to magnetized the vertebral column and therefore start to open the main Nadi of the body (Shushumna…the Spine) , besides that, the way that is done in ATKY youl will call electromagnetical Prana of the EARTH and from the UNIVERSE and in top you will create sexual energy (co-creation 6 life force energy to the mix) …. YES that is just to inhale through the nose & exhale through out the mouth …. Once you finish 3 minutes of this your whole awarenes will be light up and on top you will be activated in your physical and energetical body !!!!

• Tantric Nadi Sodana. Shushumna (the Spine) holds two other sub-nadis that are related directly to our personality, attitudes and character to our life and to the others. Ida represents the lunar side of yourself and Pingala represent the Solar hemisfer. Imagine that you can clean them up, activate them and energy

then besides of the normal balance that you can do with this kind of Pranayam. But in top of this they wil be energize with sexual energy and life force. Which will allow you to expand the hemisferic balance in your own practice as a teacher.

•Kapalabati. The shining skull tool. Once you have bring the benefits on the Tantriic Nadi Sodana now the target will be to open the the Golden Triangle in the upper chakras. This ancient technology not onlt intercommunicates Sahasrara, Ajna and Bindu but brings pure electromagnetical Prana and Oxigen to your Brain . In ATKY we use bandhas and mudras in the body in order that you even can activate the pineal and pituitary gland

Activation of the Chakra System

by the “Ancient Hatha Guru Kula” sadhana practice.

Imagine a set of asanas, kriyas, mudras and bandhas that allows you to activate every chakra with the purpose to expand the benefit of each one just starting the morning. This particular Sadhana was use first by masters of Hatha Yoga to bring aawrenes and energy with a fast track set of asanas. Then the tantrikas incorporate this to the daily practice on their Sadhana.

Pranayamic Micro-Meditations

  • Rocks meditation
  • 1st level Cobra breathing / Cobra Breathing with Kriya
  • Activation & Cleaning of the Tantrika by Micro-Asanas. From superior chakras to lower Chakras .

Sacred Space

  • The universe that you hold as a teacher is the universe that holds the participants in your sessions. Therefore, the energy & rituals arround it, have a very profund meaning.
  • The altar has very important role in the development of your session since the high frequency energy comes filtered out of there.
  • The Archetype. It is very important to place an archetype that tansmites harmony, intensity and energy with out being invasive to your self and your students. Remember that deities they have within them an energetic connotation. One healthy way is just symbology or yantras to be used as archetypes.
  • The Incense by itself brings a direct frequency to your space. Therefore, the type of odor and root of it has a meaning … Before, during & afterward!
  • The use of diffrent tools as protection, totems and chanalizers will be explained.Protocols & Ethic behind a class and your session
  • Pre-organizing and set up of yourself and the space.
  • Welcoming & reception of Students & administrative control.
  • Mouth wash.
  • Energy Flush Up!
  • How to distribuye by copules & trios.
  • Awareness and you as an energy vortex.
  • Asana Correction
  • The handling when you are participating ( this is not Hatha).
  • Closing and Business Follow UP!



  • Timing. One normal session lasts one hour and a half if its twice or 3 times a week. If it ́s once a week between 2hrs to two hrs and a half. Demo always 45 min.
  • Meditation & Consious breathing Level one & two.
  • Chakra base breathing; bandas & mudras Level one & Two
  • Ritualism & Energy Homogenization.
  • You as an energy center , Vortex y synergetic movement within the sala.
  • Couples, trios & Collective.
  • Tantra Techniques:
  • Importance of the Drista.
  • Kirana Kriyas fix series and combined.
  • Purificación Asanas (Sahay and Point plexus)
  • Swara Yoga (pranayama exercises by nadis) Balancing
  • Anulom Vilom (Level ONE) & Nadi Sodana ( Level two)
  • Asana process in ATKY: Sequence, individual work, by copules and in the collective.
  • Number of Asanas versus Experience & Knowledge. Level one 16 to 22. Level two 12 to 16. Take in to account Group energy, weather & circumstances.
  • Asana estructure: Energy & frequency synchronisation ; search for the posture, the intention, kriya o energetic dinamics (prana, bandha, physical and muscle tension), micro-meditation o awareness of the energy effect.
  • The development of awareness during asanas practice in ATKY. Benefits: physical, psychologic, emotional, sexuals & esoterical.
  • Level TWO. Conscious process on the Ajna opening.(formal, subjective & energetically)
  • Application of Pranayamas
  • Application of conscious Couch and the why: Cleaning, Relaxing, flush up ofsacred energy (Level two)
  • -Massage & conscious Touch in ATKY session.
  • Mantralization combined with breathing (Level two).
  • The closing y mantras the Ah, or Bijas mantras settle to be worked during a period of time.
  • How to prepare the prospective table of your session

The practice and the teaching is divided on three levels according experience and knowledge:

a) Basic. Understanding the body and controlling it; breathing process and pranayamic balance, being present and meditation (awareness) ; sacred pump ( Moola Bandha, Svadistana Bandha, Ashwini Mudra; Vajroli Mudra ); meditation on the energy movement within the physical and astral body; understanding and experimenting the sacred energy through out the whole process; basic use of tantra ́s communication tools. Polar balance at physical level.

b) Intermediate. Understanding the process of ATKY session and it ́s goal; start to feel the accumulation of energy and flush it up; give a basic knowledge of the energy system of the human body and it ́s interrelation with the psycoemotional, with the energetic memory and with blockages. subtile handling of the energy and pranayamas; use of 2nd. Level pranayamas : gnotti or Ujaji; use of sacred vocalization; use of the kriyas and deeper breathing retention (kumbacha); use of Kundalinic Kriyas; kundalinic mudras (ashwini, vajroli and the inter-relation with the sacred energy) ; detail use Vajrayana & Kali Bola. Active meditations on presence and energy. Polarity balanace on an astral level.

c) Advance. Awareness on static Asanas and the movement of energy. Use o the sacred sexual energy at alchemical level. Knowledge and use of the marma system on the process of ATKY. How to use Cobra Breathing and the traspolation of the micro and the macro. How to use the micro universe as a platform of cosmic unity. Circulate the energy by copules, trios and collective. The rol of the Bijas Mantras on the sessions every 5 lessons. Use of the intention for every lesson as pragmatic meditation inside and outsider of the lesson. Use of empowerment micro-orbita and a tantric breathing. Understanding of the causal body.




  • Historia of Yoga
  • Types of Yoga
  • Where ATKY comes alive… the in between Vedas & Shramana
  • Anatomy in ATKY
  • Yoga Philosophy vs Tantric philosophy
  • Tantra Kahula & ATKY
  • Tantric Energy system in ATKY Chakras, nadis, marmas, kama-marmas & asanas
  • Pranayams in ATKY: Breathing tipology & Pranayamas
  • Mudras, Bandhas, Kriyas use & benefits
  • The importance of the sacred energy and the use of the Sacred Pump Bio-Energy and it ́s handling.
  • Resonance principle & the man as universe arquetype
  • Static and active meditation; Nidra Yoga; mindfulness
  • Ascetic way of life or not….







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November 1, 2023 @ 8:00 AM
March 22, 2024 @ 5:00 PM
€1.250,00 – €1.500,00