Tibetan Pulsing
June 5 – 9, 2024
[Part of Tantra Ancestral Massages Certification]
Event PDF: ancestralmassagesCERTIFICATIONS (1)
Man since its origins had related himelf to the life force energy that travels in our body to explain different layers of our health, psyche, emotions and the same life as it is.
Tibeteans based part of their traditional medicine on one system and concept of the “Subtle Life Essence” called BLA.
The session is conceived as a triad of physiological principles:’respiratory breath’ (dbugs) & ‘vital force’ (srog); intellectual principles,’thought’ (yid) and ‘mind’ (sems). Astrology; srog (‘life force’), lus (‘body’), dbang thang (‘power’) and klung rta (‘good fortune’).
We will understand how the receiver can awake and liberate life. The pulsation is aunique technique that is comparable to reinitiate the existence of the person in diffrent parameters.
We will learn the pulsationon the GNAS and how to induce BLA on the bodies. We will explore the boundaries of the Life Force energy & energy orgasmia on the womb and other parts of the subtle system. We will embody the role of the Sexual Energy & the awake of life.
This session last around 2 hours. We will explore not only full body pulsation massage but also manipulation on first and second chakra areas (Yoni / Lingam Massage) .