Relax, heal, liberate & get empowered !!
We invite you to a 4-day Tantric and Shamanic Summer Vacation, by Anand Rudra, an expert in shamanism and tantrism, founder of the True Tantra School, son of a Mexican shaman, grandson of a Mexican Yaqui Indian healer. In his knowledge, he combines academic knowledge, practical experience and ancient practices. Rituals include tribal traditions: Olmecs, Aztecs, Balinese, Dravidians, Siberians, Filipinos and Mayans.
According to Anand Rudra, tantra and shamanism are paths of healing and development aimed at raising consciousness. Both paths are based on 3 dimensions: the physical body; the astral body and the causal body. Science and Nature, shamanism and tantra meet halfway. Tantric shamanic knowledge combines both aspects. It is one of the main aspects and tools that tantric shamanism uses for healing, connecting with the universe and Supra-Nature.
This is an organic and residential practicum. It is oriented to elevate the frequency two practices shamanism & tantra. Tantra & Shamanism work as a healing science & as a way to elevate consciousness. Both are based in 3 dimensions: the physical body; the astral body and the causal body.
In our times, allopathic medicine is going back to the old wisdom of practices like Ayurveda, Yoga, Chinese. Medicine, acupuncture, natural remedies between other ones. In some aspects, Science and Supra-Natura are becoming in the middle. Tantric Shamanistic knowledge combines also both aspects of this middle point.
Sacred Sexuality is one of the main aspects and tools that Tantric Shamanism uses to heal, to connect with the universe and develop the communication with the Supra-Conscious and the Supra-Natura.
In this retreat we will explore the power, knowledge and experience of sexual energy, ritualism, and embodied shraman practices and where they can take us. The objective is to awake the Tantric Shaman on you in order that you experience but take the basic knowledge to do it afterwards.
Basic approach to be covered:
Shamanic-Tantric Rites:
All these rites will have the theory framework and you will experience the rite to receive.
Start to walk the path of the Sacred Wisdom and awake the Shamanic Master on YOU !!!
General Content Program – subject to the process, the energy and the background knowledge of the group:
Tantra Tools within Shamanism:
The empirical connection of the men and the supra-natura, the gate to acknowledge the supra-conscious
Shamanic Tools – The importance of the connection of Micro-Macro.
Theory – The Shamanic aspect of Tantra
Its important to work in your body (detox with a healthy diet)
– 3 weeks before twice a week practice satya kriyas.
– Complete the readings that will be provided.
Specific Rites that involves the following tribal traditions: Olmec, Aztec, Balinese, Dravidian, Siberian, Philippines and Mayan
Cosmogony in each ritual, its original intention and the evolve-modern practice within.
THIS is an ACADEMIC & TRANSPERSONAL PRACTICUM seminar & experience with the intention to experience an introduction to our next Professional & Mentors Tantra Training by TrueTantra.
True Tantra is based on the ancient teaching method, part of which is an independent and complementary techniques. When you learn Tantra, you have to understand and experience all its aspects:
True Tantra had become one of the first institutions within Spain and part of Europe to give a real methodology to a Tantra Session. All this professional effort has become in order to build a group of masseurs, therapists, tantra monitors, Tantrikas (Docents), Monitors of Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga and Teachers on Ancient Tantra Kriya Yoga. Each professional has to sit several oral and practical exams and each year they renew their knowledge not only to show what they know but also to get to know more methods and to deepen the Tantra practice more. All these people have to fulfil the ethical values of our True Tantra school. Web:
Primal Shamanic Tantric Certification
periodic hybrid master training/ ANANDA RUDRA’s SCHOOL
Anand Rudra together with the Be.Tantric group members, has decided to create a certification system, which will allow to achieve a Master’s Degree in the chosen area of shamanism and tantra. This system is constituted by fundamental phases of practice and knowledge.
The whole workshop has a periodical character which means, you are allowed to participate in every part without necessity of finishing any other one. It is not necessary to choose any level. Collected points from the participated workshops will show the participant’s level at the present moment.
The programme includes 3 levels: practitioner’s, intern’s and instructor’s. If you have finished any of Ananda’s workshops, they can be counted into the whole training.
Each workshop includes a lot of theoretical and practical material. The way they were constructed was thought to follow the Bologna European Academy. Each certificate issued by us meet these requirements and the workshop participation is signed by True Tantra and Be.Tantric confirmed with a certificate.
ATTENTION: this workshop is a part of a new Anand Rundra’s Tantra and Shamanism School („Primal Shamanic Tantric Certification”).
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Anand Rudra
Dorastał w szamańskiej i meksykańskiej ezoterycznej kulturze. Prowadzony był przez ojca -meksykańskiego szamana i duchownego oraz przez babcię – uzdrowicielkę meksykańskich Indian Yaqui.
Od młodości interesował się światem duchowym i ezoterycznym. Studiował szamanizm, tantrę, tarota, psychomagię, symbolikę, rytuały i świętą geometrię.
Jest prawnikiem ds. Stosunków międzynarodowych; posiada trzy tytuły magisterskie ze Studiów nad Ameryką Północną; Relacji Meksyk-USA; Prawa i ekonomii Unii Europejskiej, jak również doktorat w dziedzinie Bezpieczeństwa Unii Europejskiej. Przez ostatnie 15 lat mieszkał w Europie, gdzie poprowadził ponad 150 różnych warsztatów poświęconych Tantrze i Świętej Seksualności. Jest znanym specjalistą od męskiej świętej seksualności oraz członkiem Wydziału Connection Uniwersity w Holandii. Jest również certyfikowanym nauczycielem Yoga Alliance, YACEP i Systemu Szkoły Arhanta Yogi.
Jego doświadczenie życiowe obejmuje:
True Tantra opiera się na starożytnej metodzie nauczania, w której podstawę praktyki stanowią niezależne a jednocześnie uzupełniające się techniki. Kiedy uczysz się Tantry, musisz zrozumieć i doświadczyć wszystkich jej aspektów:
True Tantra stała się jedną z pierwszych instytucji Tantry w Hiszpanii i w Europie, która ustanowiła metodologię sesji Tantry. Cały ten profesjonalny wysiłek został podjęty w celu zbudowania grupy Nauczycieli Starożytnej Tantry Krija Jogi, masażystów, terapeutów, i społeczności Tantryków. Każdy profesjonalista musi zdawać różne egzaminy ustne i praktyczne, oraz co roku odnawiać swoją wiedzę nie tylko po to, aby pokazać to, czego się nauczył, ale aby zdobyć więcej metod i zagłębić się jeszcze bardziej w praktykę Tantry. Każda z tych osób musi również spełniać wartości etyczne naszej szkoły True Tantra.
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