The Flesh & Sacred Sexuality
Sea Retreat
Tantra 4 Men
Our Event PDF: BrochureS3XploraALICANTE2023
Sacred Active Sexuality only for men
S3XPLORA has being developed during the last 3 years as a project in which we want to give, teach and to embody the process in which the man can
find the compatibility between his sexual & emotional life and his spiritual path.
Being able to generate sacred conscious act of a sexual activity allows you to generate a deeper connection with yourself and the other one, a self knowledge, an expansion of your energy, apply awareness to what we desire and what we have done and the benefits of this connection.
Emotion means energy in movement, our emotional body is one of the most powerful resources that men have.
In this retreat we will explore an awaken body and the resources that goes within it. A laboratory means that the exploration and the discover will go deeper. The flesh in the men expands the libido; the primitive self on us in combination of the awareness of sexual pulsations will be the frame to discover the potentiality of the smell , texture, muscles, fascia, taste and of course what is the connection with our mind, energy , sexual energy and emotions.
1. The power of the BODY
The primary sensory connection of your body and its subtle system. Experience the ability to generate energy in its different ranges until you recognize yourself within your sexual energy. We will go in to the power of embodiment, the mind and the intentions
2. Energy, Sacredness and Divine
The primary sensory connection of your body and its subtle system. Experience the ability to generate energy in its different ranges until you recognize yourself within your sexual energy. We will go in to the power of embodiment, the mind and the intentions. Energy, Sacredness and Divine
In Tantra we acknowledge the power of the intimacy and how this pulse energy on us. We will explore the power of sensual estimulation and how it is starts to unfold sexual energy and how it becomes sacred
3.TheFLESH &theForeplay–embodiment&ecstaticprocess
The third step of tantric love-making is the famous but often ignored foreplay. It is now that you begin to caress each other. Tantra emphasizes on the importance of the embodiment foreplay. One of the most powerfull sacred tools of tantric love making.
4. Expansion and cocreation of energy
The fourth step, is the generation of the sacred sexual momentum to feel the interchange of sexual energy. The direct stimulation to the genitalia and the sexual awareness of it is the door to start to do Maithuna.
Deep multi-orgasms can only be experienced during extremely long love-making sessions.
In case you both have tantric skills and your bodies are strong and vital, you have the ability to make love for many hours. Switch from making love to meditation and back to make love again. In this way you’ll develop a deep connection that is beyond words, which also reaches deeply into the soul, a connection that will allow you to spiritually grow together.
5. Dislocation of Polarity… integrating, gathering & going to higher consiuosness
In TIbetan kamasutra the game called dislocation of polarization. Allows to take you to be one in pleasure with the other one and yourself provoking a ver ecstatic experience.
6. Sublimination and alchemy – directing energies to a higher purpose.
The sixth and final phase is called sublimation. It’s the transformation phase in which Tantric magic appears in full glory. If there is no sublimation of the sexual energy, the love- making is like any other love-making, which has no “spiritual gain”. to two hours after love- making. When the energy has accumulated in the high centers, it is highly recommended to meditate (even if only for a few minutes) to stabilize the energy at these high levels!!
understanding the power of the consiousnes on the touch using Vajra techniques is one of the most powerful tools that a man can learn!!
Being able to generate sacred conscious act of a sexual activity allows you to generate a deeper connection with yourself and the other one, a self knowledge, an expansion of your energy, apply awareness to what we desire and what we have done and the benefits of this connection.
Emotion means energy in movement, our emotional body is one of the most powerful resources that men have.
Most of the times, when there is a profusion process ( interconnection of love & llust ) we experience a blisfull existence. To be in love is one of the biggest states of consciousness that we can experience.
This retreat will give you tools in order to take advantage of our emotions and how we can willmove this energies to our benefit.
Some of the things that you will learn:
tantriko@live.com +34 645 195 604