Tantric Shamanic Alchemy • Online Practice 05


Intro to awakening the Power of the Tantric Shaman :: Separation • Stage Three:: 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy Zoom Class https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82657562227?pwd=OENpVTVrWlpuVm54a3lWVWcwT25xdz09 Polish & English

Tantric Shamanic Alchemy • Online Practice 04


Intro to awakening the Power of the Tantric Shaman :: Dissolution • Stage TWO:: 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy Zoom Class https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86098170007?pwd=Z1RkSFltbHlWQnYyTUJPamxIdUFmUT09 Polish & English

Tantric Shamanic Alchemy • Online Practice 03


Intro to awakening the Power of the Tantric Shaman :: Calcination • Stage ONE:: 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy Zoom Class https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88467105263?pwd=Z3laZWZEZWEwdXRyUzVITXpoTzZHQT09 Polish & English

Tantric-Shamanic Alchemy E-Series • Session 01

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Awakening the Power of the  Tantric Shaman Online session 01 tantric-shamanic alchemy series online-zoom January 19 / 20hrs As you know Tantra & Shamanism are interconnected since one of the principles is to guide humanity to understand who we are and where we are going. There is a clear understanding and derivate from one of the 7 […]

Prana Technology


Our event PDF (ENG version): PranaTechTeachers - ENG version Our event PDF (ES version): PranaTechTeachers - ES version   INVESTMENT AS FOLLOW: ( 3 ) payments of 695 EUR ( 1 ) payment of 200 EUR at the end of your training for test & certification 295 EUR ( for each retreat ) that includes […]

€200,00 – €695,00