Get the best out of yourself every day!
Learn that your body, mind and energy are the foundation for growth in any direction.
Breathwork is a huge technology that not only allows you to control your metabolism and your thoughts, but also allows you to feel, stimulate and control sex drive in a whole new way.
Imagine your mind can be revitalized by doing our breathwork while changing the way you think about life.
Tantra is that technology that connects with your body, nervous system, immune system and with your emotional state to free your mind, increase your energy and also improve your physical condition. 
Unique training program


Experience for life

Every lesson is an experience for life.



The value in knowledge that you get out of becoming a member is not only on the unique lessons that we prepare for you but the realization that you are socializing in a brand new way with people from all over the world.


Learn from the best

The teachers are from different backgrounds, from all over the world, to give you the best Tantra perspective. We want you to feel, see and embody learning experiences.



It's not only that you come to breath, meditate or learn; it's a way to activate your life, go deep into the Tantra Knowledge and its disciplines.


Value for money

19 euros per month or 50 euros trimestral for over 70 lessons, mini workshops, or circles.



We have a vibrant community online where you can connect and talk about your experiences.

Faculty and Guest Teachers
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Anand Rudra




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Connect With Our Community Members

● Every member has access to the Huddle, our member website
● There are recorded lessons for you to watch on the Huddle
● We have many life events 
● We connect every live class via ZOOM 
● You have a direct communication with the teachers and facilitators to help you afterwards
● You can connect with the rest of the member at the Huddle 
● We have Tantra Circles were the teacher make you feel safe and you will discover how a group heart-opening-experience can shift the way you think and embrace your life.
● We give support with mini-capsules, written articles and books to enrich your knowledge

Be.TANTRIC propose to you to start to unveil the power that you have with your body.

Explore & learn the Sacred Technology that balance you and shift your inner knowledge.
Daily practices, interaction with other people, online workshops & courses, including retreats and trainings !

Tantra is an ancestral technology that allows you to let you see who you are and where you going !!!

The interaction with your body, mind and energy are the canva to start to draw a new life !!

Your senses are the gate to the knowledge and TANTRA the instrument to amplify them!

YOU connects with your body, nervous system, immune system and with your emotional state to create an inner balance that will take you longer with different practices.

YOU awake the most powerful energies that are within you, you will recognize the power of intimacy and sexual energy and how this lingers to every level of your own existence!!!

PRACTICE, LEARN, SHARE and INTERACT TANTRA with people like wise!!!

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